How To Not Look Like A Dweeb In The Lib
To many, the library is a sacred place. It is a place to grow in knowledge, appreciate wisdom, and, obviously, rage. But, it is a place with many unwritten rules. Breaking these rules could result in lethal levels of embarrassment. Thankfully, this article will help you master the etiquette of the Donnelley and Lee Library at Lake Forest College.
Quiet study areas keep hindering your vibe? They are just a mere suggestion. It is completely socially acceptable to type angrily or open a package of nuts with fervor. There is no need to have any regard for the people around you who are studying. Like you, they are in a place of leisure. Yawn, laugh, yell, and cry freely, even in the “silent” sections.
That’s correct, the library is not a place for silent studying, that is why dorms were invented. The library is a place to eat, talk, be merry, and occasionally crack open one of those bound things with all the pages. If you need to actually get your assignments done, refer to the desk that was issued to you in your dormitory. It serves more purpose than a place to rest your phone while you sleep. But then again, assignments are for nerds. You’re in college now, and college is essentially optional, so homework is also essentially optional.
On the very subject of phones though, there are some rules. The phone is an essential part of anyone’s library-going experience. Setting your phone to silent isn’t necessary at the library, like it is at a ball game or party. Need to make a call? The library has dozens upon dozens of chairs that will serve as your throne as you hash out the dirty details of your shaky relationships. The library, what with its chill atmosphere, is a wonderful place to air your dirty laundry.
Classes are hard sometimes, that is if you go to them (again #optional), the best place to recover from a class—the library. Taking a rest on a giant bag of beans is an essential end to any successful student’s day. Sprawl out and doze away, as the thoughts of exhaustive work drift away. When you wake up from that nap, what better to do than grab a cup of coffee?
Coffee in little paper cups is such a wonderful invention for the fatigued student, who is tired from not going to class. You know what isn’t wonderful? Lids. Throw that little lid away, as libraries are meant to be spilled in. A little coffee never hurt no paper. While you’re sipping on that warm liquid that energizes your very soul, slurp. Yes, that is right. It is proper etiquette in some cultures, libraries, and Asian countries, to slurp. So we request that you do so. After all, you don’t want to look silly, do you?
These are just a few of the ways you can prevent yourself from looking like a total and utter dweeb this school year. Remember that the library is a wonderful bustling social hall, with built-in nap rooms, and lovely, heavy, bound paper things that make excellent pillows. When in doubt, shout it out. And, of course don’t forget to stop by just as it’s about to close to print your last-minute paper—again, #optional.
That concludes this entry of the Official Etiquette Guide for the Donnelly and Lee library. Keep your head held high, your stress even higher, and pinkies out.